New Album!
The 4th album is available for pre-order, and set to be delivered later this month (November 2021)!
All sales for the month of November are going to support the humanitarian work of ADRA for the annual national campaign. Please order this month, and be part of the gift of hope with us as we launch Through It All!
Online Store
What’s Happening
Sing Noel! Nov 27th, 7pm
Sing Noel! It's that time of year again, when the world remembers Jesus birth! A wonderful opportunity to draw together in a special way and praise His name! If you're in the Sydney area - it's one of a kind! Hope to see you there! https://www.singnoel.com.au/...
Having trouble accessing the album via the digital link?
Are you in Australia? And having trouble purchasing the digital album on iTunes via the link? Here's what you need to do: Open your iTunes Store app Type in "Marleta Fong" Select "Through It All" and purchase the album. Hope that works for you! This should definitely...
Album Release – “Through It All”
What a time to be singing “Through It All”! From the headlines to worry lines on faces is etched a fearful unknown. But friend, there is a peace that passes all understanding, & it comes from a friendship with a loving God who will "never leave or forsake you”...
About Marleta
I’m a nurse, who loves to sing for Jesus!
My dad would play his old cassettes on Saturday afternoons. I remember growing up, playing the cassettes over myself – trying to learn every word of an Evie song.
Music was my outlet, and my form of communication with God. I’d be on the swing, making up a song – but really telling God I loved Him, when I sang about Him “spreading His love all over the sky like peanut butter on bread”
Listening to beautiful tenor, soprano, and bass voices solo in the cassettes, and in church programs – I really tried to meet their notes, but it’s a fact: I’m most comfortable as an alto.
In my childish prayers I asked for God to bless me – if it was His will, to sing for Him one day – I wondered just what God would do.
One day in 2011, I was organising the music for a special program at my church, for which I was the ‘back-up item’ should someone cancel. Friday morning, one of the two groups singing that night cancelled. I’d never really sung up the front in a proper program like this before, and my sister wasn’t keen on me singing; she thought we didn’t need another item anyway. I told the program coordinator and she encouraged me to do the item.
As all aspiring singers, I had been practicing an item. “When I Survey The Wondrous Cross” (Celtic version) a Capella, at home. So my sister said – “If you’re going to sing you better get a pianist to accompany you”.
I texted the best pianist I knew – Sanja Kitevski. She wasn’t supposed to be in town that weekend, but I tried her anyway. She responded! She knew the song, and had played it for someone else before. She was practicing with someone else at another church that evening, but promised to come over to our church as soon as she was done.
The program was to begin at 7:30PM. Sanja came through the foyer at 7:20, we rushed over to the hall to go through the song at least once.
Now, what I’m about to describe to you might sound funny – perhaps this already has. But the hall was an echo chamber – and as we went through that beautiful Celtic version of such a profound song – the natural reverb and the rush of the hour – the fact that Sanja was able to play, and the fact that this was something never done before, made me emotional.
Well, I got the key change wrong when we shared the item in the program that night but I got it wrong with conviction!
Since that night God has given me opportunities to sing for Him in various places.
I pray you sense God’s presence as you listen, hear His still small voice as you think on the words, and pray the prayer of this album for yourself: ‘give me Jesus’.
“O taste and see that the Lord is good: blessed is the man who puts his trust in Him.” Psalm 34:8
If you want to contact me or enquire about a booking you can reach out on Facebook or use this form.